RULES: Drawing event will be held at 5:00pm on Sunday, January 19, 2025 at the Knox Trail Inn. 1898 East Otis Rd,(Rt.23), East Otis, MA 01029. Winner need not be present to win the grand prize. A maximum of 150 tickets will be sold. Grand prize will be available for viewing at KTSR club events scheduled prior to the drawing date or by appointment. Winners are responsible for any and all taxes, registration, and shipment beyond Pittsfield, MA. Mail and online purchases must be received by 5:00 pm January 19, 2025. Tickets void if lost, stolen, destroyed, or unpaid. Donation is not tax deductible. Void where prohibited. KTSR members and officers are not responsible for errors or omissions. Permit on file in Otis MA. Raffle proceeds to benefit the Knox Trail Sno-Riders Snowmobile Club, Inc. Contact club at 413-931-3000 or
Entrants are welcome to make reservations to attend the drawing.
Contact the Knox Trail Inn directly at 413-269-4400
Enter Online and pay with PayPal with the Button to the right.
Enter by mail. Send $100 for each entry ordered, with a check written to KTSR, or credit card info* and a self addressed stamped envelope to:
KTSR 15 Annual Raffle
PO Box 363
East Otis, MA 01029
*Credit Card orders by mail will incur a $3 per entry charge. Include number, expiration date, and CVC code​
Mail and online orders must be received by 5:00 pm, January 19, 2025